Dienstag, 7. Januar 2020



A Critique of Liberalism: Economic and Social

 A NewRuins09 video critiquing Liberal Capitalism from a National-Anarchist perspective.

Adopting the Bronze Age Mindset

Bronze Age Mindset, by Bronze Age Pervert, is a book I believe will resonate with a lot who've undertaken a strong, vigorous Western identity, particularly for men who want to become something more. A text discussing masculinity and the differences between men of old and of the contemporary era, the author advocates a return to the world of traditionalism, the Bronze Age which was the most heroic time for that of the human spirit. Return of the spirit of the Bronze Age. The purification for the West from the clutches of modernity and despotism. Freedom for the wanderers, the knights, the Romans, the Greeks, and the Spartans. Destruction of the weakness and hollowness of the present world order.

The Metaphysics of Pure Actuality

Giovanni Gentile's concept of pure actuality (actus purus) is a rarely understood one. I've dedicated this video to explaining what it means that something is entirely, uncompromisingly act, and how this relates to potentiality, among elaborating upon many more implications of idealist ontology. The state of actuality means one that is of movement, the realm of accomplishment, when acts have been carried out. This differs from potentiality, the state of something potentially being actual. In actual idealism, unlike metaphysical materialism, Giovanni Gentile argues that the potential to do something, since it requires thought and conception to produce, the very image of movement, is, indeed, part of the movement itself, the act in question. Like subject and object, these terms are conceptually inseparable.

Conquest for Mutual Credit 

(Lysander Spooner)

Lysander Spooner was an American political philosopher and mutualist anarchist who advocated concepts integral to the ideology of mutualism, such as mutual credit and mutual banking. Here, in this video, I go over the individualist anarchist's proposal of how workers may break free from the chains of wage labour imposed upon them by capitalists, through working with credit unions, where workers can take out loans with extremely low rates of interest, in order to afford the capital they need to be self-managed. Like Benjamin Tucker, Lysander Spooner was a leading theorist of libertarian socialism within his time across the United States, one of the earliest anarchists since the pre-colonial era. His support of free markets - his criticism of taxation, in particular - often have him misunderstood as a supporter of industrial servitude. However, he was never in favour of bourgeois authority and despotism. From beginning to end, Lysander Spooner was one of the greatest friends, and allies, of the working class, his writings have greatly influenced the labour movement and free market anarchists everywhere. A member of the socialist First International, most of his literary work consists of advancing the theory of legal naturalism (also known as natural law), and opposing state control of life in all spheres it decides to force itself upon. An anti-capitalist and anti-statist, Spooner would be ashamed at the abysmally low rates of self-employment throughout contemporary America. He, out of all people, would recognise the American "dream" as what it truly is: the American nightmare.

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